This home has a mix of timber frame walls, clad with cedar weatherboards and concrete rough cast panels. Forming the concrete panels on the future garage slab gave us much more flexibility with details and finishes, helping us to achieve the clients vision.
The interior was a mix of standard gib, ply and smooth finish concrete walls, which give it a slight industrial feel. The decision to use predominantly timber floors was made, which helps to soften the 4.5m high concrete panels in the living area. Within the panels themselves, we used the Nivana system, which is an insulated, 140mm panel, with 50mm polystyrene layer and a 50mm concrete exterior.
Tilt panels make an ideal low maintenance home with a stable indoor temperature due to the large mass of the walls. This allows storing of heat produced internally from a wood burner, or alike, and also through passive heating from the low angled winter sun. The walls slowly release the heat as the room cools, providing a stable temperature. They also work to cool the house in the summer by absorbing the heat built up, maintaining a stable indoor temperature.